003 | Conquering Overwhelm With a Brain Dump

You're no stranger to the relentless buzz of a busy brain. Ideas, tasks, and reminders dance chaotically in your head, making it feel like you're perpetually caught in a storm of to-dos. But what if there was a way to calm the storm and find your way to clarity and focused action? Welcome to the art of the brain dump, a powerful technique that can transform your entrepreneurial overwhelm into a structured pathway to success.

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001 | Crafting Success: Embracing the Process of Growing a Business

Join me, Stephanie, on a heartfelt exploration of what it truly means to find joy in the entrepreneurial journey, from my own transition from pharmacy to the vibrant world of floral design. Listen in as I share how my structured career background has become the bedrock of my approach to building a business, and how embracing the day-to-day process is as crucial as reaching those big milestones.

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